Keyless door locks are fast becoming a big trend for most residential and commercial properties. That deadbolt installed on your front door at the moment still serves a purpose though. It locks – it unlocks, and it does everything in its power to keep out unwanted guests. For many homeowners that’s enough. Keyless door locks on the other hand take security, function and convenience to a whole new level. And when your home, family and belongings are at stake – safety shouldn’t be jeopardised.
Designed to give homeowners more control over their homes, keyless door locks are a version of smart locks that utilise a digital set of keys to grant access. Investing in quality keyless door locks means there’s no need to carry a house key, better access control is granted to those living in the property without needing a spare key and there’s no worry about losing it. Here’s everything you need to know about keyless door locks if you’re thinking about upgrading.
1. How Keyless Door Locks Work

Keyless locks were originally designed to be used for cars with remote entry systems, so their working mechanisms work the same. To unlock your door, keyless access is required. This access can be defined in multiple ways including the use of a code entered into the keypad (positioned on the door lock), scanning an access card, utilising a fingerprint scan or via a remote control. Specific smartphone apps can also be used to gain entry on some keyless door locks too.
2. Ridiculously Good Security Benefits

Most homeowners will upgrade their existing locks to keyless entry because of the security increase. Because these types of locks don’t require entry via a key, you eliminate the risk of a missing or spare key getting into the wrong hands. Instead, only those that require access to the property know the pin code which is made up of numerical or alphabetical combinations to be programmed into the lock.
Over time, cutting multiple keys to grant different people access can be hard to keep up with too, and you eventually lose track of who has a copy of the key to your home. Keyless door locks remove these issues to create a practical and secure solution. These locks are designed to be pick-proof too, which reduces the risk of unwanted guests entering your home.
3. Added Ease to Your Lifestyle

Most of us lead busy lifestyles. Times are changing and technology is constantly improving to make our lives as easy and as care-free as possible. If this involves carrying fewer keys around, eliminating the time it takes to rummage for a key to enter your home or office and upping the security to your property – then it comes as a very smart investment for many. And an easy one at that. With added ease comes better control too; keyless door locks allow a faster and more secure way to access your home than standard deadbolts.
Security pin codes to gain access can be deleted from the door lock or changed as required for better safety considerations. If you need to allow a temporary entry for someone, you can assign them a set code. Once access is no longer required, this code can be removed from the system and thus, eliminates further access to the property. This is ideal for shared offices or contracted work at the home.
Linking keyless door locks to your smartphone can fuel temporary access by home automation service too. This involves a simple method of pulling up the app on your device and granting access by unlocking the door from wherever you are. Once access is no longer needed, the door can then be locked via the smartphone app at a click of a button.
4. Different Keyless Locks, Different Features

Not all keyless locks are created equal. Different locks implement different features which come with their own set of benefits and disadvantages. It’s important to weigh up your security needs by determining which product and access style suit best. Keyless door locks that are accessed by pink codes can be electrical or battery operated too.
If you’re utilising smartphone apps to enter the property, consider the apps for various keyless locks. Ask your locksmith whether they keep a record of comings and goings, if auto-lock settings are included and whether there’s an option to turn on built-in alarms. These features vary from product to product so find one that ticks the boxes for your needs.
Looking for the perfect keyless lock?
Central Screens & Locks have a huge range of keyless door locks, swipe cards, biometric locks and more. View our full range of products or get in touch with our team today.
5. Access Matters

Handling multiple users is a key feature of keyless door locks. Because of the extensive range of access control and setup, it’s convenient for homes with larger families or office environments. Different codes can be assigned to each person on the property and tracking can be applied to see who specifically is coming and going if required. It’s this fully audited access control and easy installation of the keyless locks that make them one of the better security options.
Unlike key locks, you won’t require the service of a locksmith to change anything. The hassle, time and money spent having locks changed after a security breach is fully eliminated with keyless locks. Homeowners won’t require software to change codes and combinations either.
6. The Quality of the Door Matters

Despite keyless locks being easy to install, set up and use, the security of your home can still be jeopardised through the quality of your door. Even the heaviest duty, high-quality locks can be useless if they’re set up on a front or back door that isn’t durable or made from quality materials. If the property door is flimsy or the hinges are worn and not properly secured, a keyless lock won’t stop intruders from kicking the door down. For the best security practices, consider upgrading your door to one made from solid wood or metal, with quality hinges.
For more information about how keyless locks can be installed on your property, contact us today.