SupaScape™ Firesafe Egress Window Screens

The SupaScape™ fire egress system is designed for easy access for you and your loved ones in the event of a fire, while also hindering access by intruders. Our security screens for windows also act as fly wire screens, keeping insects out.
Security screen made for easy exit.
Security screen made for easy exit.

Provide safe exit points in your property

The SupaScape™ fire egress system is designed to get you and your family out of the house, quickly and safely, in the event of a fire.

It is also a security window screen, to prevent unwanted visitors from entering your home through any window. With the fire escape security windows, you will always feel safe, even in an emergency.

This fire egress system is built around a basic window screen that can be opened outward and slid in and out. The slim keyless design is available as both a stainless-steel mesh and an aluminium grille.

The SupaScape™ fire escape window is designed so you can easily get to the glass underneath and clean it without hassle. It’s because of these engineering standards that this Amplimesh® product is an effective combination of style and practicality.

Security window in living room of house.
Security window in living room of house.

Engineering perfection

Most house fires occur at night, meaning that your typical exit points could be blocked by the time you wake up. Securing all your windows with the SupaScape™ means you can escape from any window, as the window screens can be opened easily in the event of a fire thanks to its slim-line design.

You’ll also find that the ease of access for the SupaScape™ is one-way, meaning that your family can use it to escape a house fire, yet potential intruders won’t be able to enter your home the same way. The screen’s design also comes with a simple but effective child safety opening release, so that your little ones won’t accidentally disengage the SupaScape™. This design is excellent for families of all sizes and is guaranteed to work during any emergency.

Talk to one of our experts today, about keeping your home safe and secure with SupaScape™ fire escape window screens.

SupaScape™ FAQs

Amplimesh SupaScape™ is a security product for windows. It is a security window screen, to prevent unwanted visitors from entering your home through any window, while also incorporating fire escape security windows allowing you to easily get out of the building, now you will always feel safe, even in an emergency.

Yes! All Amplimesh SupaScape™ screens come with a 16-year secure warranty.

Security screen fabricator working on a security door.

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